Wednesday 31 July 2019

Time Saving MS Word Tips

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Microsoft Word is undoubtedly the most popular Word Processing software in the World. Around  1.5 billion people use Microsoft Office across 140 countries and in 107 Languages. The software has evolved and matured over the last 25 years to such a level that what most people commonly use is just a fraction of what MS Word (and MS Office) has to offer. 

This post aims to lead you to some tips and tricks that are sure to improve your productivity. I have compiled these tips, tricks and keyboard shortcuts in pdf documents below. I have also created a sample document that you can use to practice these tricks right away. 

Microsoft Word Tips and Shortcuts in one single document ( everything in one document)

Keyboard Shortcuts ( only shortcuts - can copy this on your smartphone for ready reference)

Sample MS Word File  ( you can practice on this file)

I am sure you will find these tips useful. If you wish to know more, visit the Microsoft Office Training Center which has great resources on all MS Office software. 



Saturday 27 July 2019


 To enlarge image, click on it then right click > view image
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under
The last post was about fonts and why due diligence in choosing appropriate fonts is important. The right choice of fonts however is just one element in designing great documents. There is a lot more beyond just choosing correct fonts that needs to be considered in terms of visual style and presentation. In fact, such is the importance given to the visual component that  an entire field is devoted to this pursuit. It's called Typography.
Matthew Butterick, typographer and writer, defines typography as "the vi­sual com­po­nent of the writ­ten word". If I were to risk  an analogy, I would like to compare typography in documents to plating a dish in the culinary world. As they say — you eat with your eyes first! The same is true with a document. Content can be presented in a manner that is inviting for the reader and that's what typography is all about — how to enhance the visual appeal of the written word !

So without further ado, I would like to lead interested readers to a great resource — a free online book on Practical Typography  by Matthew Butterick. As you explore this amazing resource now in its second 2019 edition  you will notice that every line that appears on your screen can be clicked for more information on that topic. If you ever had questions like what is the optimal line spacing or how much margins should be ideally used in documents, this is an authoritative source to consult. The best part is that everything suggested has a how-do-I-do-this-in-Microsoft Word reference such that you can use that design idea immediately in your document. Just casually browsing through this work will elevate you in terms of learning ! 

That such an amazing resource has been made available free reaffirms my faith in the power of open learning which is possible due to the generosity of people like Butterwick.

This is a short post. But it opens a big door!

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Internet Privacy: Why should it bother you ?

privacy internet venn diagram - conveying there is no privacy on the internet
Source : Venn Diagram - Privacy vs. the Internet" by chinagrrrl
With Internet and digital technologies becoming all pervasive, it is important for everyone to be aware about privacy issues emanating from their voluntary and involuntary engagement with the ubiquitous digital world. Today not only it is much easier to collect metadata about individuals, with the growing power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is increasingly becoming much simpler to connect the dots. Should citizens be worried? Absolutely!   To illustrate the point, I would like to lead my readers to the following three stories that have appeared in the press in the last few months:

Story 1: Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-Founder, Warns People To Get Off Facebook
Story 2: Goodbye, Chrome: Google’s Web browser has become spy software
Story 3: Google is Listening to Your Conversations, Why People Don't  Trust Big Tech

With privacy being declared as a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution in India, the idea that one has no control over their personal information — which can seamlessly pass between companies and governments without any legal safeguards — is highly conflicting and potentially hazardous. It has been argued by some that the very foundations of a free and democratic society are being challenged due to this all pervasive "behind the scenes" surveillance [3].   

So what can you do ? Well as most of this intrusion is passive i.e. you are being watched by others without your consent, there is little that one can do unless laws change. At a personal level however, you can try these 9 Simple Steps To Protect Your Privacy On The Internet.

Al Gore issues a clear warning in the following words: 
"In the digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?" ~Al Gore 
For if we give up or trivialize this fight, however impossible it might seem, the following words of Benjamin Franklin would hold absolutely true:  
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
[1] Like use of social media, mobile apps etc
[2] Like CC TV cameras on street corners, online tracking by businesses etc
[3] Allegations that Cambridge Analytica using personal Facebook data helped influence elections